Dog Training

Do Bark Collars Work for Whining? – How to Stop Whining/Whinging/Crying

Do Bark Collars Work for Whining
Written by Abner

Whining is a natural behavior for dogs, especially in their early stages of life when they seek attention from their mothers. However, when this whining or crying becomes a persistent issue, it’s time to address the underlying reasons and find effective solutions.

I’ll help you explore the reasons behind your dog’s whining, whether bark collars (how to stop dog barking at strangers) work for whining, how collars function to stop crying, their reliability when to stop using them, and the importance of considering underlying health issues.

Read on!

Why Does a Dog Whine or Cry?

Throughout my journey as a dog trainer, I’ve figured out these reasons:

1. Basic Needs: Food, Water, Walks, Toilet, Attention, or Affection

Dogs, much like humans, have basic needs that must be met. If your dog is whining, it could be a signal that something essential is lacking. 

The best you can do is to ensure they have access to food, water, regular walks, bathroom breaks, and sufficient attention and affection.

2. Instinctive Communication: Happy, Excited, Sad, Anxious, or Scared

Whining is a form of communication for dogs. It can express various emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness, anxiety, or fear. 

When you know that their whining is because of a certain emotion, it becomes easier to address it.

3. In Pain: Medical Problems, Temperature Discomfort, etc.

Persistent whining may indicate that your dog is in discomfort or pain. 

Check for any signs of illness or injury or keep in mind their recent history. Have they been ill or recovered from an illness? 

At least, ensure they are in a comfortable environment with appropriate temperature and protection from the elements.

4. Seeking Attention or Reinforcement of Undesirable Behavior

Dogs are quick learners, and some may use whining as a tool to get what they want. 

When you reward their whining with treats and affection, it can become a habitual behavior. This is one of the reasons why you should address this aspect as it’s crucial to prevent the development of undesirable habits.

5. Unconscious Habit: Breaking the Cycle

In some cases, whining becomes an unconscious habit for dogs. Breaking this cycle is essential to maintain a harmonious relationship with your furry companion. 

That’s where training aids can be effective in providing distractions and helping you regain control over your dog’s behavior. 

Do Bark Collars Stop Whining?

After figuring out that your dog’s whining has become a habit, here’s how to stop it with the help of a bark collar(shock collar vs bark collar).

1. The Mechanism Behind Stopping Whining

Bark collars work by delivering an uncomfortable sensation to the dog’s neck when triggered. This sensation interrupts the dog’s behavior, such as whining or barking, discouraging them from continuing the unwanted activity.

2. Some Whining, Not All

It’s important to note that not all bark collars are designed to address whining specifically. Some models may focus primarily on barking behavior. 

That gives you all the right reasons to choose a collar that specifically targets whining if that is the behavior you’re looking to correct.

3. Crate Training with the Use of the Collar

Incorporating crate training with the use of a bark collar can be an effective strategy. 

The crate provides a safe and quiet space for the dog, and the collar serves as a deterrent when whining occurs. Speaking from my experience, this combination encourages positive behavior in a controlled environment.

4. Positive Reinforcement for Staying Hush

Positive reinforcement and bark collars should go hand-in-hand. The reason for that is that the collar triggers the reinforcement of the behavior and the positive reinforcement solidifies it for the long run.

How Do Collars Work to Stop Crying?

Now let’s figure out the mechanism behind their work. Most static electric bark collars operate using a vibration sensor that detects the movement of a dog’s vocal cords when they bark. 

At the same time, it’s essential to understand that the vibration produced by whining may not always be sufficient to activate the collar. Therefore, choosing the right collar for the specific behavior is crucial.

Similarly, when your dog howls, whines, or whinges, the vocal cords may not generate enough vibration to activate the collar. This knowledge is super important in selecting an appropriate collar that aligns with the behavior you aim to correct.

How Reliable Are Bark Collars?

Bark collars do the trick but are all of them reliable? The answer to this question is multi-fold.

1. Some Go Off on Their Own

Certain bark collars may have sensitivity issues, leading them to go off spontaneously without any apparent trigger. 

That’s the reason why I always recommend that you choose a reliable and well-reviewed product to avoid unnecessary discomfort for your dog.

2. Some Go Off on Other Dogs’ Barks or Whines

Another problem with some products is that in a multi-dog environment, they may react to the barks or whines of other dogs. 

This can lead to confusion and ineffective training, not to mention behavioral inconsistencies in the dog. Here, too, you have to put reliability at the top of your priority list.

To ensure that, you have to invest in high-quality equipment from reputable manufacturers. Reading product reviews and consulting with professionals can guide you in making an informed decision.

Speaking of which, I have listed multiple collars (best shock collar for husky) of that sort for different breeds that you may want to check out in my other articles.

When to Stop the Use of the Bark Collar?

Knowing when to cease using a bark collar sets the right foot first for your dog’s well-being and the effectiveness of the training. Consider the following:

1. When the Dog Learns to Stop Whining

The primary goal of using a bark collar is to modify behavior. Once your dog learns to stop whining, you can gradually reduce the use of the collar.

2. Gradual Decrease of Use

After successful training, gradually decrease the use of the collar. This allows your dog to internalize the behavior modification and transition to a state where the collar is no longer necessary.

3. Incorporating Positive Encouragement

As you reduce reliance on the bark collar, incorporate positive reinforcement for desired behavior. Praise and reward your dog for remaining quiet without the need for the training aid.

4. Refraining from Acknowledging Whining

If positive reinforcement alone doesn’t work, refrain from acknowledging your dog’s whining. Be robotic and emotionless when they exhibit this behavior. Additionally, make a loud sound or leave the room to discourage whining. I normally use an empty water bottle to tell the dog that I don’t approve of his crying for no reason.

Underlying Health Considerations to Take Note Of

Whining or crying is not always for no reason.

1. Not All Whining is Troublesome

Recognize that not all instances of whining are problematic. Some dogs may whine due to temporary discomfort or a need that requires attention.

2. Some Could Indicate an Underlying Condition

Persistent or unusual whining may indicate an underlying health condition. Keep an eye out for signs of discomfort, changes in behavior, or physical symptoms that warrant a visit to the vet.

3. Maintain Regular Vet Checkups

To ensure your dog’s overall well-being, schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian. This proactive approach can help identify and address any health issues before they become significant concerns.

Do Bark Collars Work for Whining – Conclusion

Addressing your dog’s whining behavior requires a thoughtful approach that considers the underlying reasons for their vocalizations. 

While bark collars can be effective training aids, it’s essential to use them responsibly, understanding their limitations and potential side effects. 

Combine training aids with positive reinforcement, gradual reduction of use, and a focus on overall health to foster a harmonious relationship with your furry companion. 

By taking a comprehensive approach such as the one I shared with you above, you can guide your dog toward more desirable behaviors and create a happy and stress-free environment for both you and your canine friend.

About the author


Greetings, I'm Abner, a dog trainer with 7 years of expertise, and I welcome you to PupsGuide, your premier resource for expert tips and knowledge to strengthen the bond with your beloved canine companion.

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